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Decoding God : Know Yourself | Intellectual Realization for a Successful Life

Author | Sujan Setty Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9788119445769 Pages | 100 Genre | Self help


About the Book:

Understanding God or the nature of this existence is a pursuit in which all of us are interested. It's a quest that transcends the boundaries of religion, culture, and belief systems. Questions like "Why are we here?", "Does God exist?", "What is God?", "What is the nature of Reality?" and "What is the point of this Universe?" are like stars that guide us in our search for meaning and purpose in life.

These questions are not limited to the devoutly religious or the spiritually inclined. They are universal, arising in the minds of students grappling with the mysteries of the Universe, businessmen seeking fulfillment beyond material success, scientists probing the mysteries of existence, philosophers pondering the depths of human life, and even atheists challenging the very notion of God. It is as if these questions are etched into our souls, urging us to explore the depths of our existence and the nature of the world we inhabit.

This book is my humble attempt to capture something that cannot be captured, Define something that cannot be defined, and Explain something that cannot be conceived within our Minds. With this book, I invite you to a journey of self-discovery. Together let's explore the nature of this existence; look at some of the teachings from the ancient Vedas and Upanishads; look at what modern science is saying; let's contemplate and meditate. And through all this, Let us together Decode GOD. (This book is based on the teachings of ‘Adhvaitha Vedanta’, which is the essence of the Ancient Vedas and Upanishads.)

About the Author:

Sujan Setty is an architect, seeker, and a student of Adhvaitha Vedanta. He takes you on a journey to unravel the mysteries of ‘God’ in the book, ‘Decoding God’. Sujan's deep passion for understanding the nature of reality inspired him to explore different scriptures and philosophies, which led him to discover the teachings of Adhvaitha Vedanta, which in turn led him to write this book.

Through his writing, he invites readers to join him on a profound and transformative quest, where the wisdom of Adhvaitha Vedanta enlightens one on the true nature of existence. The book is a result of Sujan's sincere desire to share his understanding.

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