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Unfolding Success

Author | Sapan Kumar Bardhan Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789388698023 Pages | 178 Genre | Self help

About the Book:

Why this Book may Change Your Life!

What does success mean to you? 

To some, success is wealth; for some, it is power; some just want to make a positive impact on the world. 

This simply means that success is a concept that means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, it almost certainly isn’t something that will come easily. 

There are numerous books in the market on how to be successful. But success is very personal and unique to each individual. Though some of these numerous books can be definitely useful to some readers, the advice contained in most of these books may often be very generic in nature and at times, irrelevant to most of the readers. 

With this in mind, before initiating the book, the author has taken a tremendous and sincere effort of talking to more than three hundred people, just to understand ‘what exactly did they want from such a book’ ? These candidates, both men and women, come from different age groups and different backgrounds - academics, economic, cultural and geographic backgrounds. 

The author has effectively blended his own vast professional and social experience along with the inputs of all these three hundred people that he talked to. The author’s own life journey has been full of ups and downs. So he could very well relate to the needs of the prospective readers. 

The author, Sapan Bardhan is a veteran professional with a degree in Engineering and more than 45 years enriched experience in various industries. He has professional qualifications on Total Quality Management with training at USA and Japan. The first phase of his professional career was in SAIL - Bhilai Steel Plant, later he moved to a large scale Pvt. Steel Industry. But after working for about eight years, he left while working as VP (TQM & HRD) and started his own training & consulting independently along with association with UL DQS (India) Ltd … a training & third party certification organisation, for ten years.


He has conducted hundreds of trainings/workshops on Quality & HR related topics, suiting to customer requirements, across the country.


He is also associated with Social & Spiritual organisations like Ramakrishna Mission, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Mahavir International and Brahma Kumaris.

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