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Top 10 English poetry books

Author | StoryMirror Authors Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | Combo Pages | 1000 Genre | Poetry

Rs. 1700

The art of the artist, the wisdom of the wise, and the healing herb of the wounded mind - Poetry has always been a part of human life. Poets are always inspired by real-life events, unspoken desires, and unsaid thoughts. Inking the words, their hearts want to express their ideas to objectify the poetic philosophy about life. A great poem can be digested and absorbed in our souls and can become a part of us forever.

Poetry is an art form that has survived for thousands and thousands of years, touching lives and creating happiness. It is the way introverts talk with themselves and extroverts introspect.

Poetry is one of the most powerful forms of writing because it takes a known language, and transforms it. Suddenly the words do not sound the same or mean the same.

Buy the combo of Top10 English poetry books and read poems on relationships, the ups and downs that come along, quirks and beliefs of the human mind, simple joys and sorrows of everyday life, status and sentiments of poets in the modern era, optimism, poems about existence and struggles of life in a new city, and all types of emotional turmoils that tend to happen in everyone's life.

Poetry is perhaps a more effective stress relief - read, think, understand and be at peace!

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