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The Way to Balance Financial Risk: Comprehensive Guide for Sustainable Banking and Investment Safety

Author | Arnab Chakraborty Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360702021 Pages | 74 Genre | Non Fiction


About the Book:

This book is all about of Financial Securities which must be known to all common people so that they can apply it in their day today life. Starting from banking to trade transactions and loan facilities securities must be adhered in all places. Financial risks are highly interdependent and events that affect one area of risk can have ramifications for a range of various risks. If we are aware of the financial risks in all kinds of financial transactions before making any mistake. The risk management is a complex function and it requires specialized skills and expertise. Banks have been moving towards the use of sophisticated models for measuring and managing risks.

About the Author:

Arnab Chakraborty is an author who likes to pen down his knowledge into information to common people,that he has gathered in his last 15 years banking experience. He has worked in many cities like Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar and Kolkata for his job purpose and come across with many big industrialists in his banking career. He is living in Kolkata and always enriching his knowledge his day to day work experience. He is always approachable to share his knowledge in all digital media.

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