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2 Bestselling Book Combo For Teens By Teen Authors | Mystery, Magic & Adventures | A Trip to Your Childhood Days

Author | Ahana Saini Srivastava, Ciara Padale Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 214 Genre | Children


2 Bestselling Book Combo For Teens By Teen Authors | Mystery, Magic & Adventures | A Trip to Your Childhood Days

StoryMirror knows mystery & magic tales are loved by teens so its platform brings to you invigorating tales for them. Obtain the teen books today that have dynamic storyline, captivating actions and wonderful experiences and these are the base of the tales that attract teenagers. StoryMirror brings you such narratives that attracts our teen readers. Don't miss the chance to acquire these teen books. Join us now to purchase them and make your reading interesting.

Liza Roissel : The House of Games

'Liza Roissel' the book is a key to a charismatic world full of magic and adventures. Liza, a young orphan girl who is ignorant of what awaits for her in future until suddenly nature starts giving her clues about her missing parents. She follows these cues with the support of her best friend Jennifer only to find out that this is a trap, a 'chakravyuh'.

The Play and Other Stories

They all went inside; Lily said, “Wow Daddy, everything here is made of gold.” Michael thought, today daddy refused to go right, but tomorrow I will take that lane all by myself, Daisy is unwell; so I can go alone. “Cia, this is a village; here people like to sit on the fresh grass” said her Pati (grandmother). You will find a part of yourself in all of them, and they will leave a part of themselves with you. This book teaches you to appreciate the simple things in life and promises a trip to your childhood days.

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