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2 Bestselling Book Combo with Fun-Filled Stories for Teens | Beauty of Friendship | Teen-Stories | Gift for Teens

Author | Madhura Amritkar, Ananya V. Ganesh Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 181 Genre | Children


2 Bestselling Book Combo with Fun-Filled Stories for Teens | Beauty of Friendship | Teen-Stories | Gift for Teens

Exciting incidents grab the attention of the kids and teens. Unimagined happenstances, mindblowing actions and amazing climax- all add up to amalgate a compact narrative. StoryMirror knows such tales are loved by teens so its platform brings to you invigorating tales for them.

Teen Tales - The Beginning of A Journey

Discover the highs and lows of a young girl trying to find herself and the world around her. From having an uninvited visitor in a classroom, fights with friends, performing on stage, Bollywood mania, to witnessing a pandemic, the author goes on to talk about her experiences and beliefs as a way to express her emotions.

9 Chocolatey Bites

From growing tails to talking ants, everything is just one big pickle in this fun collection of stories. In a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get next. Every chocolate has its very own surprise and taste, and so does every story in this book.

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