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Bestselling Combo of 2 Books for Understanding Tantra & Gita | Dasha Mahavidyas | Mantras, Yantra, Sadhana | Way of Life

Author | Mehul Vora, Vishwanath Iyer Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 716 Genre | Spiritual

Rs. 1098


Bestselling Combo of 2 Books for Understanding Tantra & Gita | Dasha Mahavidyas | Mantras, Yantra, Sadhana | Way of Life

Dasha Mahavidyas are the primordial Sakti or energy, that creates, destroys, and sustains the universe. They are Mahavidyas or “Great Knowledge” where each Goddess has something distinct to teach. Tantra, a way of life has been elaborated alongwith the teachings of Gita that will be available under this combo - an enlightening duo.

Secret Goddesses of Tantra - An Esoteric Understanding of Tantra and Philosophical Interpretation of Dasha Mahavidya

Tantra is often perceived as black magic, voodoo or art of love, but in reality, Tantra is “A way of life” that stretches the body to its limit and prepares one to walk the path of liberation. Every Goddess in the book is dealt independently - illustrating appearance, stories of origin, symbolism, various forms and relation to other Goddesses, Mantras, Yantra, Sadhana procedure, temples and any parallels that can be drawn from other cultures.

A Seeker's Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā

A Seeker's Śrīmad-Bhagavadgītā is a book on Gita & yoga that tries to integrate the eternal wisdom of Gita & yoga into daily life using modern management and scientific principles, which makes the wisdom easy to understand and implement. The book explains the conceptual underpinning of yoga in simple language with examples that today's Bhārat can relate to and find easy to adopt.

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