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Read the E-book in StoryMirror App. Click here to download : Android
Author | StoryMirror Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | ebook Pages | 97 Genre | Abstract


About the Book:

Michael Scott has said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” This E-book is a result of imagination, determination and desires of many promising writers. All the 33 stories in this E-book are winners of a fictional story writing competition which was organized by Story Mirror. A distinctive feature of this publication is that it breaks the language barrier and also incorporates Hindi stories in its compilation. Another unique aspect of this E-book is that the stories belong to a variety of genres like Romance, Thriller, Tragedy, Fantasy, Inspirational, Drama, etc.

StoryMirror, India's premier website for stories and poems conducted India’s biggest ONLINE Writing Competition - 'StoryMirror Schools Writing Competition - 2018 (SSWC 2018)' for school students from class 4 to class 12 and all Teachers. 

The competition aimed to spark up the creative energy of students & teachers and help them incline towards writing & literature in an era where they are more inclined to social media and smartphones. In the era of social media, where focus and attention span of younger ones is getting diverted, this kind of initiative definitely helped the students. 

The main purpose of the competition was “To nourish the writing skills and identify young writers, and help them in their literary journey”. 

So, the participants put their thinking hats on, letting their words mesmerize the world and followed the mantra of "Find the creativity within, beyond imagination."

Fiction is a result of one’s imagination which is highly influenced by reality. Khaled Hosseini has said “Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth.” The writers of the stories in this e-book, question their imagination and desire for writing and present to us their most imaginative, engrossing, fascinating and gripping creations. This e-book is a result of the accomplished dreams of aspiring authors. It establishes belief in the fact that if one has the imagination and the resolution to create; one will be given the opportunity to exhibit their talent and creation.

Reading story books is a mechanism that allows one to explore various shades of human emotions. Each story has a theme that teaches us something, makes one reflect and provides an opportunity for some soulful reflection. In this busy and mundane life, the fictional stories keep us lively, help us dream, make us believe in fairies, give us hope and some stories even give us the courage to deal with our day to day problems. It is rightly said by George Saunders, “When you read a short story, you come out a little more aware and a little more in love with the world around you.”

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