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Sand Castles & Paper Boats

Author | StoryMirror Authors Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789394603660 Pages | 128 Genre | Anthology

About the Book:

The transition phase from childhood to adulthood is the golden age of our lives; it's the age of innocence, love and joy. But a young adult is not just a child anymore; they are not just students or playmates. Young adults, across the world, are actively participating in various fields as artists, writers, singers, sportspeople, activists, entrepreneurs and leaders, some from the comforts of their homes, while others on the global stage.

Yes, they still dream of a world where fairies, witches, wizards, dragons, pokemons, their favourite cartoon characters and superheroes are real. But they also envision a world with genuine love, truth, peace, happiness and equality; not just for human beings, but for all beings and nature. Young adults are indeed the father of the man, aren't they?

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.”

- Pearl S. Buck, American writer and novelist.

"The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers." - Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India.

It is with immense pride and joy that the entire team at StoryMirror selected, edited, compiled, designed, printed and published this beautiful collection of poems by young authors, 'Sandcastles & Paper Boats'. This book is a celebration of their unique thoughts, dreams, perspectives, creativity and imagination. We hope you enjoy this book as much as we loved creating it.

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