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Bestselling Books To Find The “Inner You” | Path To Discover Life’s Purpose | Discover Your True-Self

Author | Tanmayyii Arora, Hira Mehta Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 322 Genre | Self help

"Bestselling Books To Find The “Inner You” | Path To Discover Life’s Purpose | Discover Your True-Self

Amidst disappointment, dark shadows and pangs of loneliness, you need to find the light at the end of the tunnel. The books in this combo help you to revisit your thoughts, rephrase your statements, re-consider your actions so that you can re-live your life with great joy & divinity. 

Let Love Be-friend You

Life is not about survival instead it is about realizing oneself and our life's purpose. This book answers your questions and leads you to a divine portal of universe which is always open for you. All you need is to find yourself. Are you ready?


In this self-guidebook the author shows us how to stop living life on default settings and actually customize it. If you feel like you have stopped dead in your tracks, then this book will help you revisit your attitude towards life and relook at some life lessons taught or perhaps never taught in a new perspective.


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