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Bestselling Books Inspired By Women Who Didn’t Give Up | Stories of Courage, Resilience, & Perseverance | Best Gift For Mothers, Sisters & Friends

Author | Laxmi Natraj, Jaya Rajdev & Somrita Chatterjee Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 236 Genre | Romance


"Bestselling Books Inspired By Women Who Didn’t Give Up | Stories of Courage, Resilience, & Perseverance | Best Gift For Mothers, Sisters & Friends

The grit & tenacity of every woman are like the bottomless chasms of unmeasurable abysses; they remain dormant until a deadly situation challenges them in the face. Read the stories of ordinary women turned into superwomen at the face of adversities and apprehensions. 

She an Abyss

This book is a collection of 11 such short stories of such brave women, who at the time of adversity, showed unbelievable courage in overcoming challenges and came out successful in life. They are the real inspiration for every woman.

Celebrating Relationships

The book is about celebrating relationships and by relationships, we mean various facets with self and others. Read through and let them stir somethings inside of you, as you bask into the magic of vibrations being generated. Notice how you see, hear and feel. Does it remind you of something or inspires you?


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