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Bestselling Books on Soulful Poetry | Roller-Coaster Of Your Hidden Sentiments | Meditative & Emotionally Inspiring Poems

Author | Maitri Indrasen Singh, Shivani Bindhyeshwari Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 282 Genre | Poetry


"Bestselling Books on Soulful Poetry | Roller-Coaster Of Your Hidden Sentiments | Meditative & Emotionally Inspiring Poems

Poetry is one of the most important and powerful forms of writing because it helps us to transform our emotions into heartfelt verses. Read the books in this combo to calm your restlessness & attain some peace via the musings. 

The Poetry Harbour : A Wave of Emotions

This poetry collection brings to the readers poems written by the author during her emotional peaks. The topics chosen for all the poems are quite relatable to a majority of people going through both mental misery and ecstasy while experiencing life.

Soup For the Soul : A Book for Everyone and No One

This book will take you on a beautiful journey inward and make you reflect, heal, smile, grow and learn. A collection of poems that is as carefully put as the stars in the sky and equally magnanimous and meditative. It is for everyone and public, yet it is the most personal thing written for 'you' personally.


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