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Twisted Love Bestselling Combo

Author | Subhuti Anand Waight, Sandeep Mishra, Vaiibhav Nigam Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 747 Genre | Thriller


Twisted Love Bestselling Combo

Love comes with collateral damages, hurts, and disappointments of its own. This Twisted Love Bestselling Combo is here to make you face the harsh realities of love that may not be visible on the surface. The three books show you different forms of love - mystifying and magical.

The Last White Man in India

Written by Subhuti Anand Waight, a former British political journalist, you can unravel the fate of “normal guys” who fall in love with the mysteries of India by reading this book. Subhuti Anand Waight is a former British political journalist, who worked in the Houses of Parliament.

Shades of Revenge

Written by Sandeep Mishra, an Assistant Professor, an alumnus of COEP and a comedian at wee hours, this is a story that dwells in everyone's hearts but takes ages to come out, and this time it has. All they desired was to be so happy that they could die.

Prisoned in Love

Written by Vaiibhav Nigam, an MBA, specialized in Retail and Marketing Management, this is a love story of Rayirth Kapoor who is searching for answers in the adverse scenario in the process of making his life back to normal.

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