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My Magical Vacation in Greenwich

Author | Rudransh Deep Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 978-93-91116-80-4 Pages | 180 Genre | Children


About Book: 

Ever thought about flying a unicorn or about meeting gnomes, trolls, pixies, phoenixes, dragons and elves? Bring your imagination to life as you read this book which will take you on a magical journey!

This is a story of Rohan and his family’s adventures in a mysterious land. Their mail starts speaking to them; the trains they board start flying beside the birds; they cross deadly lava rivers; play Snake n’ Ladders with a troll; find their way out through a maze which has no exit; defeat the ‘Lord of Devils’; befriend dragons and much, much more! Will they be able to come back home safely?

Answers to all these lie hidden in the pages of this book... which, you will find out soon, my friend...

Get ready to be absorbed in this heart-warming story!

A rare fusion of fantasy, adventure, thrill and humour

and a must-read for children and fantasy lovers

written by Rudransh Deep, an 11-year-old boy, marking his debut in the vast world of writers.

About the Author:

Rudransh Deep, an 11-year-old student of New Horizon Scholars School, Thane is a budding author and loves to pen down his ideas on a variety of topics. He is also interested in sketching, reading storybooks, and playing some soft tunes on his keyboard.

His first book is a humble beginning in his literary journey. Hope you will enjoy it.

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