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Lust Love & Liberation | Empower Your Life Journey

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Author | Balraj Singh Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360704070 Pages | 172 Genre | Self help


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About the Book : 

This Book will help you find all solutions to your love life whether you are married or unmarried, if you are going through any of the below situations in your life, then please read this book:

. If you feel stuck in your love life and are worried about your life.

How to choose the right partner for myself.

Faced deception in relationships and feeling completely broken down.

Entered into multiple relationships but still feel unloved and lonely.

Struggling to make the right choices in relationships.

Sometimes, you feel your partner loves you but have doubts like what if he is cheating on you.

You are making all efforts to maintain your relationship but feeling disappointed as nothing is working out as per your wishes. Feeling unvalued and unacknowledged.

You are looking for ways to bring change in your partner to make your relationship better.

We got hooked and things were fine for a few years but then suddenly my partner changed. It seems there is no love in this relationship anymore.

My partner never fulfils his or her promises. I am no longer a priority for my partner.

If you are confused about whom to choose as a partner.

Feeling used and seeking the right partner.

About the Author :

Author is an engineer from Pune University and postgraduate in marketing from IIM Kolkata. Working in the field of marketing, he enjoys travelling and meeting new people as a part of his job. A football player, deep thinker, and an avid reader. His hostel school life has taught him the importance of forming human relationships on virtues rather than social backgrounds. Based on his own life experiences & learnings, he has written this first book to share a path of liberation through love and leaving lust. He wants to help people to understand and differentiate love from lust.

Pure relationships give peace whereas contractual ones give temporary pleasure. The impact of casual relationships is beyond one human life. In search of salvation, people leave their home whereas two humans in true love living together can attain salvation too through love.

To know more read and understand what is love and how it will liberate a human. Happy reading.

"Relationships are foundation of human life. Very few relationships stay with us eternally beyond this birth and those are invaluable."

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