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Life Lessons For Managers | Free Preview

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Author | R G Rajan Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | ebook Pages | 15 Genre | Self help


About the Book:

Life Lessons For Managers is a refreshing book for all managers in today's competitive and fast-paced world. The author highlights his experiences and learnings in life, as well as his successes and failures starting from his childhood and college years, through his professional career, right up to superannuation and thereafter.

The book explains the key personality traits and the golden rules for success which will help managers navigate through the various challenges they will face in their careers and personal life.  

About the Author:

Shri R G Rajan is a graduate in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, and an MBA from Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He has had a stellar career of around 36 years in various public sector companies.

Shri Rajan started his career in 1980 with a 5-year stint in Engineers India Limited, followed by a 21-year association with GAIL (India) Limited where he rose to the position of Executive Director.

In 2007, Shri Rajan took over as the Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) of Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL). Following a successful 4-year tenure at PDIL, he took over as the CMD of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers in November 2010 and successfully led the company till June 2016. Shri Rajan was also the Chairman of the Fertilizer Association of India from 2012 to 2014 and the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises from 2015 to 2016. After his superannuation, Shri Rajan is engaged in mentoring young engineers and managers and providing consultancy for projects in the field of chemicals & fertilizers. He can be contacted at rgrajan1957@gmail.com.

If you really liked the preview, visit the links given below & buy your copy now. The book is available on Amazon, Flipkart & Google Books.

Available links

1. SM Shop:https://shop.storymirror.com/life-lessons-for-managers/p/16se70knll1q9sccf

2. SM Shop (ebook): https://shop.storymirror.com/life-lessons-for-managers-ebook/p/16se70ocgl1ywumb5

3. Amazon India: https://amzn.to/3ObBnh5

4. Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Lessons-Managers-R-Rajan/dp/9392661177

5. Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Lessons-Managers-R-Rajan/dp/9392661177

6. Amazon Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/Life-Lessons-Managers-R-Rajan/dp/9392661177

7. Kindle:https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09Y29TQ7B

8. Flipkart: https://www.flipkart.com/life-lessons-managers/p/itm548af5d3e1076?pid=9789392661174

9. Google books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=41xqEAAAQBAJ

10. Amazon International Link: https://mybook.to/life-lessons-for

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