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2 Best Books For Kids By Child Authors Based On Imaginative World | Riveting & Suspenseful Tales | Creative Poems For Children

Author | Vihaan Dalal, Aanya Sheth Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 292 Genre | Children


2 Best Books For Kids By Child Authors Based On Imaginative World | Riveting & Suspenseful Tales | Creative Poems For Children

This combo is perfect for your kids to start reading as there is a story book with suspenseful, creative, mind-boggling & twisting tales & a poem book with ordinary things & extra ordinary verses. Let your kids deep dive into the world of books as they read these bestselling books that are authored by kids of their age.

The Lane of Imagination : A collection of Suspense and Mystery Tales with Paranormal Intrigue and Unpredictable Twists

This book isn’t for the soft bellies as it includes heart-wrenching short stories with paranormal and strange events. These narratives are riveting, suspenseful, breathtaking, and often include unsuspecting plot twists. The stories use a vast variety of themes such as catastrophic scientific experiments, horrendous crimes, large-scale wars, gruesome discoveries and cliff-hanging endings. The suspense never stops building and will leave you on tinder hooks.

Our Secret World: Poetry Book for Kids

"Our Secret World" is a dream; every child would love to see. A collection of 51 beautifully created poems that will get kids drooling in their world of imagination. These poems connect them with their actual life-giving a feeling that it’s their own story. Browsing bookstores to buy a new age kids poetry book for herself, only to find out none were available,10-year old writer Aanya got inspired and decided to pen a poetry book for children of all ages.

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