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Kartik & Mixie-2

Author | Karnav Rastogi Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 978-93-88698-15-3 Pages | 134 Genre | Children


About the Book: The book is about Jungle adventures experienced by Kartik & Mixie. He and his 4 friends planned a jungle vacation and how they befriended some creatures and communicated with them through a gadget. The fire flies, creatures and Kartik’s team along with Mixie, the Robot; helped in solving the mystery of jungle and also succeeded in discovering the treasure box. A fun filled journey where they gave back to the forest by growing more trees with magical seeds, saved animals and decoded the treasure map.

A thrill and adventure novel which will take you to nature’s lap and soak you in solving mystery

at each step.

About the Author: Karnav is the youngest author and fiction writer of India. He released his first book titled Kartik and Mixie- A journey about creations at the age of eight.

He has been an invited speaker at Kala Ghoda kids literature festival, R city art festival, Andheri lit fest and many more He has been the chief guest at various children's forums. He regularly conducts literature workshops at different schools for all age groups.

He has been the youngest recipient of Pride of Indian education award in the category of 'the most talented youngest author of 2019.'

Kartik and Mixie -2 A journey about jungle adventure is his first attempt to novel writing.

He wants to inspire kids to write and help them bring out the author in them.

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