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Bestselling Combo of 3 Spine-Chilling Thriller Books

Author | Bibhu Datta Rout, Nishith S.Parikh, Razi Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | Combo Pages | 694 Genre | Thriller


Bestselling Combo of 3 Spine-Chilling Thriller Books

When the cryptic concepts of the past are intertwined with the technicalities and emotions of the present, intermingling the ashes of the medieval ages, it gives birth to great tales. Born out of the great men’s imagination and illustrations of the mind, the Bestselling Combo for Spine-Chilling Thriller Books is a great read while you enjoy the summer at home, with a chilled mocktail and soothing music.

Wheels of Wish

This book is written by Bibhu Datta Rout who is an Indian novelist and investment banking professional and now an entrepreneur. Set in Dwapar Yug, a couple’s imprisonment is linked to a missing boy in the 13th century carrying the mightiest power of the universe and that time travels to an alleged rape and murder accusation in 2008.

The Last Symbol

This book is written by Nishith Parikh, a Chartered Accountant. Nishith has been deeply interested in Indian history and Hindu scriptures right from his school days. In this book, someone has risen from the past and is on the quest for revenge. The war between virtuous and evil has begun; the fate of the hidden secret is again at the stake.

The Secret Of The Palamu Fort

This book is written by Razi. A medical doctor by profession, Dr.Razi, spends most of his time as a critical care specialist at Bhagwan Mahavir Medica super-speciality Hospital at Jharkhand. In this book, someone has risen from the dead and is haunting the sinister ruins of the Palamu Fort, situated in the mystical land of Jharkhand.

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