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Ancient India Bestselling Combo

Author | Ashok Mishra, Sridhar Chitta, Satish S. Joglekar, Pramod Agrawal Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 1552 Genre | Spiritual

Rs. 2097


Ancient India Bestselling Combo

We all have got so busy in our lives that we have forgot to read, study, dive deep into our origin, ancient history, Dharma, Karma, Vedas, manifestations, and the magic of this rich land. The books in this combo have a flavour of mythology, dharma, history, facts, and knowledge. The Ancient India Bestselling Combo will be perfect for history buffs.

Hinduism - Ritual, Reason and Beyond

Written by Ashok Mishra, a double post graduate in electronic engineering and the CEO of a Indo Japanese manufacturing venture and Director of International Management Consultancy, the book is a journey through 5000 years of evolution of Hinduism, and is outcome of seven years of study to understand the roots of Hinduism.

The Knowledge in the Vedas

Written by Sridhar Chitta, a retired Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, the book explores the relation between the Divine Reality and the ritualistic worship practised by Hindus.

Window to Ancient India: A Tryst with Ancient Science & Philosophy

Written by Satish S. Joglekar, an engineer from IIT Bombay, with a Master’s in computer science, this book provides a bird’s eye view of everything Indian or simply the proverbial ‘omnibus capsule’. For modern readers who have little time to read eclectic sources, the ‘omnibus capsule‘ hopes to provide a comprehensive compendium about India.

Early Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms of Indonesia

Written by Pramod Agrawal, the book describes how the influence of the Indianized kingdoms have left a rich legacy of unique Javanese culture, and how with a fusion of Hindu-Buddhist beliefs with indigenous animist cultural practices has laid the foundation for a united Indonesia.

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