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God Is Digital

Author | Arvind M. Uniyal Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 978-81-951535-4-1 Pages | 120 Genre | Non Fiction


About The Book

This unique book is about the Digital Model of the universe. However to understand this model the reader needs to have basic knowledge of communications, computers and associated digital systems. This book provides this knowledge right from simple telephony to mobile networks (upto 5G) and Internet (cloud computing, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Signatures et al). The book is written in a very simple language which can be understood by common people and is useful to professional engineers too.

Imagine a world of humanoids (human computers) and animaloids controlled through an IoT kind of system extensively using artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Could it not be possible that a higher intelligence (or consciousness) has created life on earth in exactly this fashion? If so then what is the purpose of creating this world and purpose of human life? These are the questions addressed in this book using the Digital Model along with the ancestral wisdom. 

About The Author

The author is an alumnus of the prestigious Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He has vast experience in providing tactical and strategic Telecommunications for Indian army as he has served in the technical wing of the same. He has been instrumental in planning and establishing a modern, pan India strategic Telecommunication network for the Indian Army.

Post retirement from the Army he has served in a premier Telecom Public Sector company where he headed it's R&D wing and production plant. Under his leadership a number of telecom systems and IT security systems, both hardware and software based, were developed and commercialised.. He has been a consultant to other telecom manufacturing companies also.

The author also had been a professor in the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering of Indian Army and also a  visiting faculty to various civilian educational institutes.

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