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Bestselling Combo For Disciplined Financial Planning And Wealth Creation

Author | Prakash Jain, Dr. Dinesh Garg Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 364 Genre | Non Fiction


Bestselling Combo For Disciplined Financial Planning

There is a growing need to improve one’s financial literacy, wherever one comes from and whatever their background. Financial education, discipline, and awareness enables individuals to improve their understanding of financial ideas, concepts and execution, prevent fraud, make decisions appropriate to their circumstances and needs. It will also help you to avoid undesirable situations arising either from excessive indebtedness or unsuited risk positions. StoryMirror’s bestselling combo is the right read that you need today to become a financially disciplined individual tomorrow.

You Love Money ? : The Simplest Way to Grow Your Riches

This book outlines a step-by-step guide to investing in order to help investors understand the basic processes involved in wealth creation. This book aims to educate and advise the Indian masses about the merits of good investments and wealth creation. Prakash Jain has 20 years of profound experience in the finance industry. His core field of competency is financial planning, risk assessment of assets, investment advisory and wealth management for clients. He is a rank holder from Calcutta University and also a post-graduate rank holder from IBS, Hyderabad.

Everyone’s Guide To Personal Finance: From Pocketing Your First Rupee to Parting with The Last

This book has been written from beginner’s perspective. Simple language and lucid explanation of relevant terms, principles and various financial products make the book comprehensible. It aims to empower the readers to take appropriate financial decisions, take charge of their finances and manage their money wisely. Dr. Dinesh Garg a senior anaesthesiologist was driven to write this book after a tragedy in family. The author has put together his long-standing deep interest in personal finance, extensive reading over last two decades, analysis of various financial products and learning from his own and other's experiences in this book which comes handy for everyone.

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