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Combo of 5 Life Changing Books for personal & professional growth

Author | Vaibhav Datar, Ranjit Samal, Manoj Gupta, Sapan Bardhan Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | COMBO Pages | 500 Genre | Abstract

Rs. 1060


Do you want to be more happy in life? How to be successful? Find your answers to these questions and a lot more. Wondering how? 

Take out a month and read these amazing books in Combo of 5 Life Changing Books for personal & professional growth.

Simplify Your Life

Do you want to be more happy in life? There are so many books and workshops available to make more money, but making more money hardly buys you more happiness. Our happiness is 50% Genetic, 10% Environment and 40% Behaviour and Mindset. How many of us spend most of our time in making the environment right, which just accounts to 10% more happiness. Why can we not think of focusing on behaviour and mindset instead?

The Next Real Want

What would it be like if the whole world is against you, but something within gives you the confidence to live a legendary life? That you could not only manage the negative outcomes but also start living a life with zeal, and strive to achieve your “Next Real Want”

Unfolding Success

The Book is likely to change your life! Unsuccessful people often develop a complaining attitude towards almighty. On the other hand, several others think they are successful, without understanding the real meaning of it. But only a few of them know what success is! These are also the people, who know how to succeed and enjoy success.

New York to NEW YOU: THE 31/7 ODYSSEY

Two men from opposite sides of the world are brought together by a moment of serendipity. James, an investment banker and the darling of Wall Street in New York meets a Guru, the Life Transformer in India. And there is a mysterious character, RK, who has a mysterious link with both these characters.

It's Not How, It's Why?

We all think to earn a lot of money, a large house to live, a luxury car, a lavish lifestyle, and to earn name and fame. So, as long as we are thinking anyway, why not think big? With various upcoming theories, concepts and too many directions, today’s youth seems to chase “how to be successful?” then realising “why should they be successful?”.

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