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Bestselling Combo for Fun-Filled, educative and Adventurous Stories for Kids | Drama and Thriller | Books for Children Below 10 Years Old | Mother Nature Stories

Author | Vibhav Tanuku, Katie Bagli, Sanshray Padhy Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 190 Genre | Children


Bestselling Combo for Fun-Filled and Adventurous Stories for Kids | Drama and Thriller | Books for Children Below 10 Years Old | Mother Nature Stories

Books are great companions, not only to grown ups but to young minds as well. StoryMirror is a platform where we have books for everyone and this special combo is for the little humans around you. Gift these books to them which have a plethora of information, interesting facts and insightful stories.  

Adventures of Nelton - The Era of Dinosaurs

A single-panel comic book for young kids by a 7-year-old. ""Adventures of Nelton"" is a comic series inspired by Hergé's classic ""The Adventures of Tintin''. In the first book of the series, 'Adventures of Nelton: In the Windy Island of Babadazos' , Nelton and team set out on an adventurous trip to bring home a treasure. Now, in the second book of this series, ""The Era of Dinosaurs”, Nelton and his team travel in time to the era of dinosaurs for the welfare of mankind. They bid adieu only after engaging kids in stimulating activities. This book is packed with as much fun, frolic, suspense, drama and a futuristic vision as the first one. The author Vibhav is a 7-year-old who loves to play, paint and create stories. He weaves magic through his tales that can mesmerize anyone.

Let’s Peep into the Insect World

This book endeavours to arouse the curiosity of its readers about insects. There is a lot we can learn from these intriguing six-legged creations of Nature. Can you imagine how orderly and stream-lined the life of that pencil-point sized ant crawling towards your sugar pot could be? Do go through the pages of this book to get a sneak peek into their entertaining and fascinating lives. The author Katie Bagli is a passionate nature lover and has been awarded the prestigious Rex Karmaveer Global Fellowship Award 2018-2019 in appreciation of her constant efforts to sensitise the young about our planet's wildlife and the need to protect it.

My Valuable Pot Given by Nature

Have you ever heard of wonderful creatures zooming out of a pot, brimming with a plethora of stories? No? Well then, this book is your best answer. Get ready to immerse yourself in the story of Mother Nature, a valuable magic pot, and two arrogant siblings humbled by Mother Nature herself. The author Sanshray Padhy loves singing, writing, drawing, dancing, coding and composing his own songs.


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