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2 Bestselling Book Combo for Children and Growing Kids | Adventurous and Extraordinary Friendship | Fun, Frolic, Suspense, Drama

Author | Anusuya Vasudevan, Vibhav Tanuku Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 64 Genre | Children

2 Bestselling Book Combo for Children and Growing Kids | Adventurous and Extraordinary Friendship | Fun, Frolic, Suspense, Drama

Young minds can be trained better by making them read great books with mind boggling plots, amazing themes, having an adrenaline rush. Buy this combo from StoryMirror that has been designed in a such a way that your young teens, grown up kids, or you yourself can enjoy the stories set amidst adventurous days, slowly moving towards light and hope.

Tao And Flipsy

‘Tao & Flipsy’ by Anusuya Vasudevan is a journey to celebrate and beat the drums about an adventurous and extraordinary friendship. It’s a children’s book series. ‘Tao & Flipsy’ is a celebration of dreams, characters and imagination, that have come alive with this little book. Go on to read a dream; and not just a book!

Adventures of Nelton : The Windy Island of Babadazos

This book, the first of the series is packed with fun, frolic, suspense, drama, and a futuristic vision. A fast-paced story on the backdrop of handmade illustrations carefully curated by a child for his peers will certainly strike a chord with every curious kid.

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