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Cast Your Caste Away : The Clarion Call of Sanatana Dharma

Author | Rajeev Venkat Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789395374828 Pages | 176 Genre | Non Fiction


About the Book:

This Book attempts to address the prevailing Caste System or the Jāti parampara in the Indian society. With the passage of time several misgivings have crept in the collective (mis)understanding of our society on this sensitive topic. All in the name of correcting social injustice of the past. This book retells some stories from the Puranas and Itihaas as interesting narratives with bold, thought-provoking counter arguments to provide course correction to the perspective.

The Book appeals to the ordinary, informed, inquisitive, thinking, sensible, common man who finds this divide as a scar on the society.  

Caste has become an elephant in the room and not many are willing to talk about it despite the fact that it is tearing the society and nation apart.

This is an attempt to honestly present facts in a simple language. The Book does not claim to be some literary research work or discourses on spirituality and morality though the scriptural reference is unavoidable in such a Context.

About the Author:

Rajeev Venkat holds a post-graduate Degree in Management in addition to his Degrees in Engineering and Law. Yet, he considers himself as a perennial student on the path of Advaita Vedanta, his foremost introduction.

Being born and having spent his growing up years all over India allowed Rajeev to closely look at and observe the prevalent local social systems, the varied culture and traditions. However, something always intrigued him which he saw as 'the invisible firewalls' in the society referred as Caste or Jāti.

In this Book, the Author attempts to address the prevalent misconceptions about the Caste system that plagues the society.  

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