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An Ode, I Owed

Author | Jishnu Venugopal Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 978-93-91116-84-2 Pages | 100 Genre | Poetry

About Book:

“An Ode, I Owed” is a collection of poems that revolves around society, trauma, people, mental health, home, hope, strength, romance, courage, gratitude, you and me, all told with a tincture of crude satire.

some stories, some outcries,

some melodies and some dramas

purposefully textured with some obscurity

blended with oxymorons and tautologies

we are so many, yet at times we're so lonely

we're all the same, yet we're all so different

our thoughts are not confined

our dreams are ours to define

some things said, leaving the rest for you to comment

i welcome you to a series of experiences

the lines, the rhymes

a mixture, I would love for you to give a try

About the Author:

A dreamer and an occasional poet who loves to scribble down his experiences, daydreams and short stories into rhymes.

“An Ode, I Owed” is his first tribute to existence. 

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