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When We Talk, Let's Really Talk

Author | NAVELI GARG, NITYA GARG, MANISHA GUPTA Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360708894 Pages | 192


Psychology, family, team, leadership, and growth, this book covers it all. The feeling of belonging and the reassuring confidence of being heard, strengthen emotional resilience. Unfortunately, our lifestyle makes this a challenging endeavor in the cacophony of voices, biases, and expectations. Through a series of conversations, a mother-daughters trio uncovers the perfect antidote hidden within the confinement of our homes - our family. Differing perspectives highlight a family's role in nurturing wholesome individuals and societal well-being. Praised by parents, children, professionals, and college graduates, this journey through clarity, conviction, credibility, coexistence, courage, and compassion to build their circle of trust is far-reaching. 

About the Author:

Naveli Garg, an undergraduate student at UC Davis, is an interdisciplinary thinker with a strong passion for healthcare. She is pursuing her passion for psychology, women's studies, and dance to deepen our understanding of the human brain and behaviors. She was the recipient of the 2019 Women Empowerment Award in the Bay Area and an active contributor to the community.


Nitya Garg is a senior in high school who strives to bring attention to complex issues shaping her generation through education, art, and debate. Through her stories, she highlights the critical roles families play in shaping us with the hope of creating an even playing field for everyone to talk freely. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nitya-garg0405/

Manisha Gupta is a people-oriented product leader. She is the Vice President of Products at Oracle. Before joining Oracle, she led global roles at LinkedIn, eBay, and early-stage startups. Manisha holds an MBA from Wharton, an MS in Computer Science, and several patents. She is a frequent public speaker, hiker, author, and mother who works to strengthen family ties and grow companies with awareness, accountability, trust, and technology.


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