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Weathering the Storms in Life

Author | Franklin Davidson Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360707880 Pages | 249 Genre | Self help


About the Book:

This book is for all those who think life is a comedy and for all those who think life is a tragedy. Suffering is not a mass phenomenon. It is a personal feeling and

everyone in his or her life goes through suffering at some point. Q When we go through sufferings questions arise in our mind:

  •  If there is a God, and if He is powerful, why does He allow suffering?
  •  How can a God who is loving allow suffering of innocent people including children?
  •  How is it that the wicked are flourishing and the righteous suffer?
  •  What do I do to weather the storm?

The answers for these vexing questions are available in the Word of God, which is brought out in a simple, practical and easily understandable way in this book. After reading the book, the reader will be able to face challenges boldly with confidence and will be a source of encouragement to others who face suffering in their lives.

About the Author:

Franklin Davidson is a Postgraduate in Management and is an Industrialist running manufacturing units in Coimbatore and Bangalore. He accepted the Lord as his personal Saviour in 2003 and he would like to describe himself as a sinner saved by His

abundant grace. He has authored two books: ‘How Bright is my Light’ and ‘Soar like an Eagle’ which has been published by Haggai Ministries, India in which he is actively involved. He is also a translator and has translated four books from English to Tamil for the same Ministry. He is involved with various other Ministries: BSF, CBMC, Movement Day and is a lay preacher and Bible teacher. He is an avid reader and travels extensively wherever the Lord calls Him. His son, Anderson with his wife, Sharon and baby daughter,

Beatrice lives in the United Stated of America; his daughter Ann lives in Canada. Franklin and his wife Cynthia live in Coimbatore, South India.  

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