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Combo of 3 Varied Books - One Author : Different forms of Literature

Author | Chattanathan D. Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 538 Genre | Inspirational


Writing simple and relatable stories is an art - engaging the user in an insightful reading. Chattanathan D, the author of this amazing combo collection, is currently the Managing Director of Aryadhan Financial Solutions (P) Ltd., a non banking financial services company. The stories revolve around humanity, experience, and knowledge. The author has been very expressive in sharing his feelings. Read the combos to know more on human emotions, selfless deeds, corporate experiences, and social issues.

Dollops of Life

Chattanathan D, the author of this amazing poetry collection, is currently the Managing Director of Aryadhan Financial Solutions (P) Ltd. The book has interesting poems, directly from the poet's heart, which impregnates human emotions. The book also reflects on social issues like population control, pollution, unity, deforestation, unrest due to WhatsApp messages, floods, farmer suicides, amongst other things. Thus, it makes for a good contemporary reading.


This book is an amalgamation of three decades of rich corporate experience translated into nuggets of wisdom. The author shares his various emotional and professional experiences in the form of short stories with real-life examples. The author Chattanathan D. is a keen observer and fast learner, and writing articles, stories and poems are his favorite pass time.

My Rides with Sahib

Relationships are like a bicycle. One needs to maintain the balance of the two wheels. Similarly, blood relations and the bonds of heart cannot be differentiated, as affection is the most important thing in every relation. 'My Rides With Sahib' depicts such a magnificent bond between Sahib and Sheetal.

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