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Bestselling Combo of Must Read Illustrated Books for Children | Books about Nature | Educational | Child Development and Pedgagogy

Author | Lakshmipraba U S, Katie Bagli Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 154 Genre | Non Fiction


Bestselling Combo of Must Read Illustrated Books for Children | Books about Nature | Educational | Child Development and Pedagogy

There’s no better way to tend to the growing minds of your kids than to get them into the habit of reading with these wonderful illustrated books, which are sure to leave a lasting impact on your kids. With lessons about nature and the importance of taking care of our environment, these informative books are essential to boost their curiosity about the world around them.

Suju Learns to Be a Green Warrior

Do you know that Climate change and Global warming are real and affecting each one of us on the planet? Join Suju to learn why, what and how to combat this by segregating and reducing waste. Let's learn in fun and informative ways of knowing about the waste types we generate and handle in simple and colorful illustrations. This book is written by Laxmiprabha US, an environment sustainability coach who has worked towards spreading sustainability awareness and solutions through her work.

Let’s Peep Into The Insect World

This book endeavors to arouse the curiosity of its readers about insects. There is a lot we can learn from these intriguing six-legged creations of Nature. Can you imagine how orderly and stream-lined the life of that pencil-point sized ant crawling towards your sugar pot could be? Do go through the pages of this book to get a sneak peek into their entertaining lives.

The author, Katie Bagli is a passionate nature lover and thoroughly enjoys interacting with children."

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