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Bestselling Combo of Easy to Read Storybooks for Children | Colourful Books for Kids | Books for Kids 6-10

Author | Dhara Purohit, Vibhav Tanuku Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 8 Genre | Non Fiction


Bestselling Combo of Easy to Read Storybooks for Children | Colourful Books for Kids | Books for Kids 6-10

This combo of books is meant for your kids to learn the beautiful art of reading and get immersed into amazing tales that are sure to transport them to another world!

Toonee the Turtle and His Friends

There are so many animals to meet in the Marine Life: from seahorses and sea turtles to octopuses. Toonee the Turtle and his friends introduces readers to the marine creatures, their environments, their lifestyles, characteristics, and just about anything else you might want to know!

Adventures of Nelton

‘The Windy Island of Babadazos’ - A single-panel book for 6-year olds by a 6-year old - Vibhav Tanuku. "Adventures of Nelton" is a comic series inspired by Hergé's classic "The Adventures of Tintin". This book is packed with fun, frolic, suspense, drama, and a futuristic vision. A fast-paced story on the backdrop of handmade illustrations carefully curated by a child for his peers will certainly strike a chord with every curious kid.

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