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Bestselling Book Combo of Inspirational Books (Set of 4)
This enlightening combo is perfect know more about your nation, vedas, itihaas, purana, dharma, and an attempt to reintroduce the readers to the glory of Bharat and its culture. These books are capable of bringing back the balance between humankind's urge for material success and its need for inner wellbeing.
Rediscovering Bharat | Mathematics in Ancient India | Combo of 4 Astonishing and Eye-opening books
Rediscovering Bharat is not just harping about our glorious past, though we have every right to harp about it! Rediscovering Bharat is an attempt to initiate the reader into a personal journey of rediscovering his/her own Bharat. The author Kalyan is graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from the N.I.T, Rourkela, post-graduated in business management from S.P.J.I.M.R, Mumbai.
The Knowledge in the Vedas
The book explores the relation between the Divine Reality and the ritualistic worship practised by Hindus. It describes interpretations of the symbols used by Rishis in Rig Vedic hymns and of important slokas of Isha Upanishad and also describes the Vedic and Sankhyaic Paradigms.The author Sridhar Chitta is a retired Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Hinduism - Ritual, Reason and Beyond
The book is a journey through 5000 years of evolution of Hinduism, and is outcome of seven years of study to understand the roots of Hinduism.The book explains Hindu, Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma. Author, Ashok Mishra, a double post graduate in electronic engineering was CEO of a Indo Japanese manufacturing venture.
Cast Your Caste Away : The Clarion Call of Sanatana Dharma
This Book attempts to address the prevailing Caste System or the Jati parampara in the Indian society. This book retells some stories from the Puranas and Itihaas.The author Rajeev Venkat holds a post-graduate Degree in Management.