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Bestselling Nonfiction Book Combo| Ancient History of India | Indian Knowledge (Set of 2)

Author | Kalyan Gullapalli, Satish S. Joglekar Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | combo Pages | 308 Genre | Non Fiction

Rs. 1449


Bestselling Book Combo to Discover the Nation (Set of 2)

Discovering the geography, history, and mythology of a land that you are dwelling in, is quite important and books are a great way to learn about things that have happened, facts that are true, and stories that are old, not new. Buy this great combo to know about your country, origin, and much more to be a well-informed and well-read person.

Rediscovering Bharat | Mathematics in Ancient India | Combo of 4 Astonishing and Eye-opening books.

Rediscovering Bharat is not just harping about our glorious past, though we have every right to harp about it! Rediscovering Bharat is an attempt to initiate the reader into a personal journey of rediscovering his/her own Bharat. The author Kalyan grew up under the influence of the western education system and its attitudes towards life. He graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from the N.I.T, Rourkela, post-graduated in business management from S.P.J.I.M.R, Mumbai, and has had a “well-settled” career in the BFSI industry.

Window to Ancient India: A Tryst with Ancient Science & Philosophy

his book provides a bird’s eye view of everything Indian or simply the proverbial ‘omnibus capsule’. For modern readers who have little time to read eclectic sources, the ‘omnibus capsule‘ hopes to provide a comprehensive compendium about India. The author Satish Joglekar is an engineer from IIT Bombay, with a Master’s in computer science. He has worked with several software companies which included a long stint at Bell Laboratories, USA. Satish is trained in Hindustani classical music and has intense interest in history, non-fiction literature, and travel.

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