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Alive & Kicking

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Author | Vineet Pandey Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360708566 Pages | 148 Genre | Non Fiction


About the Book:

If you have ever fathomed being an entrepreneur, then Alive & Kicking: Zero to IPO is a must-read. It's an anecdotal account of a first-generation entrepreneur as he builds a business from scratch, lucidly and freely talking about the ground realities and challenges that Indian small businesses must face to survive and grow. This retelling of the author's journey strips 'starting-up' of any jargon and brings you face-to-face with every aspect of a business from idea selection, finding co-founders, raising capital, and more; helping any would-be entrepreneurs in their future journeys. In the words of the author himself, “If a book like Alive & Kicking had been available earlier, I would have shortened my learning curve by at least a half”.

About the Author:

Vineet grew up a middle-class life, the youngest of four siblings and the son of a career PSU employee. Born in Assam in 1980, he has lived in many cities owing to his father's transferable job, settling finally in Mumbai, where he has been residing for over 30 years. He has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics, and an MBA from NMIMS, Mumbai. He briefly worked in an FMCG company after his MBA, which he quit to embark on an entrepreneurial journey in 2004.

He has been on his own for over 18 years, founding and successfully running companies in the fields of SaaS, Mobile Apps, and Facility Management.

His companies together employ more than 1,000 people across India and his products & services are used by over 10,000 companies and individuals.

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