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20 Sips | Free Preview

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Author | Gautam Ohri Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | ebook Pages | 20 Genre | Short Stories

About the Book:

Ever since the dawn of civilization, Human beings have been trying to understand the very cause of existence. He has been trying to gain knowledge from schools, colleges and universities, ignoring the real world around him, which is full of experiences and important lessons. He has also ignored and not been able to understand the importance of gaining knowledge from 'Self'. 'Self', which is the home to thoughts and a fair evaluating system, which creates, experiences and then recreates situations, with the power of thought, thereby close-looping them.

In this book, Author has shared some of the experiences, in the form of short stories, ending with some open ended questions for the readers. Purpose is to emphasise upon a few of the thoughts that came to his mind both while witnessing and writing these experiences, giving them the shape of stories. He welcomes suggestions, feedback and apologise, if by any chance, inadvertently, have hurt anyone.

This book is meant for those who would like to enjoy life, sip by sip, 20 out of which, would be attributed to these stories.

Author can be reached out at 'gautam.ohri@gmail.com'.

Instagram handle ‘p4_writes'

Happy reading.

About the Author:

The author hails from Punjab, the land of 5 rivers, the land of people who have been blessed with both romantic and funny bones, a land which has seen invasions, a land which always fought back and despite the bloodshed, retained the 'Poetic' approach towards life.

An Ex-Army Officer, presently employed with the corporate world, the journey from 'Fauj' to 'Mauj', has been enriching in terms of experiences, which the author feels to be shared, to stay alive, through his writings and art of 'Storytelling'. 

If you really liked the preview, visit the links given below & buy your copy now. The book is available on Amazon, Flipkart , Snapdeal & Google Books.

Available links

  1. SM Shop: https://shop.storymirror.com/20-sips/p/16se709pvlk847oyq
  2. SM Shop (ebook): https://shop.storymirror.com/20-sips-ebook/p/16se70er5lkm6r4h1
  3. Amazon India:  https://amzn.to/43LJ6Jr
  4. Amazon US:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/8119445007
  5. Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/8119445007
  6. Amazon Australia:  https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/8119445007
  7. Kindle:  https://amzn.to/3QgKhxf
  8. Flipkart: https://www.flipkart.com/20-sips/p/itmddda7f32d3644?pid=9788119445004
  9. Snapdeal : https://www.snapdeal.com/product/20-sips-by-gautam-ohri/618702283951
  10. Google books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=GKTNEAAAQBAJ
  11. Amazon International Link:  https://mybook.to/20-sips

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